- Messaggi: 276
- Ringraziamenti ricevuti 15
Perfect replica of the control stick/grip equipping the Messerschmitt 109, 110 and 262, the Focke-Wulf 190 and the Heinkel 162. The replica are cast out of a very accurate die made around a real KG13.
-Easy mounting and connection on the universal mechanical base " Tarmac Aces ".
-The replica is made of composite material (except for those areas and parts subject to constraints or wear which are made in metal)
-Reproduction of all the features and “look and feel” of the KG13: cannon and MG trigger, various moving parts including their original travel, safety devices, radio switch.
-Finish: wartime factory production. The employed materials are intended to slowly wear and show a patina with the amount of use and the passing of time.
-Warning: the control stick/grip is reproduced exactly like it showed when series produced. The foundry and filing marks are the ones of the original stick used as model!
- For a simulator use: 4 momentary contacts (0/1).
220.00 € TTC
350 per la base mobile
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