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Installation Instructions for HSFX Version 5.0 released March 17, 2011
We recommend that you should make a copy of an existing IL-2 folder and it's sub-directories to install Version 5.0 into, in case you have any problems. If you do have problems, you need a good version to copy from, to start again.
The installer for HSFX History Mod Version 5.0 consists of the following files ;
Filenames and Size
You need to download each file and place them all in one folder together.
- HSFX_Version_5_0.EXE - 650 Mb.
- HSFX_Version_5_0.W02 - 650 Mb.
- HSFX_Version_5_0.W03 - 607 Mb.
- Part2_Ver_5.EXE ..........- 650 Mb.
- Part2_Ver_5.W02..........- 650 Mb.
- Part2_Ver_5.W03..........- 650 Mb.
- Part2_Ver_5.W04..........- 64 Mb.
............................. total - 3,921Mb. (3.9 Gb.)
This is a two part install, due to the size limitations of the installer software used. The part2_Ver_5.EXE file is the second part, and is executed automatically by the HSFX_Version_5_0.EXE. To start the installation run HSFX_Version_5_0.EXE
This is a very large release, because it contains all Mod content from the very beginning of HSFX History Mod.
HashCal sums
- HSFX_Version_5_0.EXE - MD5 - 7eb4ada9ac97f6f938d16ec62c431009 CRC32 - 872df64d
- HSFX_Version_5_0.W02 - MD5 - 3a7f8c4fda7a97b3f9555facd758dcce CRC32 - bf038b4b
- HSFX_Version_5_0.W03 - MD5 - 890f5c768311fc6ee6ca67ebe68f8d6a CRC32 - 309b6faf
- Part2_Ver_5.EXE............ - MD5 - 8aaf9b43a08555ccd05283bc71fcc8ad CRC32 - 6de9bd96
- Part2_Ver_5.W02........... - MD5 - e972a033f5a2c8e4bd6de9d0304690f2 CRC32 - 7da1eb56
- Part2_Ver_5.W03........... - MD5 - adfb133f347254a4640e419769a18963 CRC32 - 1d7e1f8f
- Part2_Ver_5.W04............- MD5 - b1fa720f0cddda6066d4b5def7fbd018 CRC32 - 9e78af1e
The HSFX History Mod is available to downloads via Torrents, much faster than via FTP.
First you need to download uTorrent, which is the software for downloading via Torrents.
1. To get the Torrent Software
First, the beginners guide ; www.utorrent.com/documentation/beginners-guide/
Second to download uTorrent itself ; www.utorrent.com/downloads
follow the instructions, easy and fast.
2. Download HSFX Version 5.0. Use this torrent.
The files will be mirrored on several other sites. As those sites go on-line I will update this readme with each of the mirror sites.
Steps required to install HSFX History Mod Version 5.0
You must follow the sequence below.
Step 1 : Use the jsgme switcher, and disable all installed mods, including the HSFX Mod.
Step 2 : Update your installation with the Team Daedalus patch, Version 4.10 and 4.101 Patch.
4.10 Available here - forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=17765
4.101 Available here - games.softpedia.com/get/Patch/IL-2-Sturm...6-Merged-Patch.shtml
Step 3 : Install HSFX version 5.0 Run HSFX_Version_5_0.EXE and answer the questions displayed by the installer, Ensure that when the installer asks for which folder to install Version 5.0 into, that you point it at the folder for the Il2 Sturmovik 46 directory you want to update.
IMPORTANT : For user's with previous versions of The History Mod and any other Mod packages installed, the Version 5.0 Installer will delete the previous versions Files and Mods folders and all files, as they must be updated to work with the Team Daedalus 4.10 and 4.101 patches to function. If you want to keep these folders, you should rename them, or move them before running the Installer.
Step 4 : Use the jsgme switcher, and enable the HSFX History mod.
There is a detailed Read Me.doc with all the features included in Version 5.0 installed into your IL-2 Sturmovik root folder.
Any questions, problems should be posted in the IL-2 Mod Forum.
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