Pacchetto Skin F86 Sabre

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14 Anni 7 Mesi fa - 14 Anni 6 Mesi fa #469 da SUP_Trok
Pacchetto Skin F86 Sabre è stato creato da SUP_Trok
Immagini e skin sono di proprietà dei rispettivi autori. Link:


  • F-86 Skin Pack V2
  • Add-on Skins
  • Miss Behaving
  • RAF Red Arrows Display Team
  • Minute Men Display Team V2
  • Fictional Camo Pack V1


Lista delle skin:

Blue Impulse

Numero skin Sabre:


+ Uno senza numero

Frecce Tricolori

Numero skin Sabre:


334th FIS

F-86A-5-NA 48-259 334th FIS
F-86A-5-NA 49-1109 334th FIS
F-86A-5 49-1319 334TH FIS USAF
F-86E-1-NA 50-625 Mr. Bones V 334th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2764 334th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2821 334th FIS
F-86F-1-NA 51-2857 334th FIS

335th FIS

F-86E-1-NA 50-660 Peerless Inc 335th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2769 Bernies Bo 335th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2794 Newark Fireball-Gweny 335th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2834 Patricia II 335th FIS
F-86F-15-NA 51-12972 Billie 335th FIS
F-86F-15-NA 51-12976 Chopper 335th FIS

336th FIS

F-86E-5-NA 50-648 8 Ball Express 336th FIS
F-86E-10-NA 51-2791 Dupe's Delight 336th FIS

RAF Sabres

F-86 RAF Camo A
F-86 RAF Camo A Tail Flash
F-86 RAF Camo B
F-86 RAF Camo B Tail Flash
RAF F-86 Sabre XB540
RAF F-86 Sabre XB577
RAF F-86 Sabre XB594
RAF F-86 Sabre XB644
RAF F-86 Sabre XB709
RAF F-86 Sabre XB812
RAF F-86 Sabre XB928

Altre skin storiche

Canadair CL-13B Sabre 6 FU-461
Canadair F-86E Acro Team 204 Air Wing
F-86 Skyblazers Display Team
F-86A-5 49-1270 75TH FIS USAF
F-86F-20 51-13273 49TH FIS USAF
F-86F-25-NH #51-13468 Blue Diamonds
Lanceri Neri F86

Skins by F22-Raptor-2006, Original template by PeterD and Lieuwe, parts added by =[US]=Grant.

Version 2 Screenshots:

[size=14pt]Il download è un Auto-Installer! Seleziona la directory d'istallazione di IL-2. (Esempio: C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946)[/size]

[size=18pt]Download Filefront[/size]

[size=18pt] Download Mediafire [/size]

[size=18pt] Download Megaupload [/size]


[size=20pt]SKIN ADD-ONS[/size]

Le skin vanno messe in: IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\PaintSchemes\Skins\F-86A5
Miss Behaving

Download F-86A-5-NA 49-1184 Miss Behaving 334th FIS 4th FIW flown by Capt.Theodore S. Coberly and Maj. George A. Davis, Jr.
RAF Red Arrows Display Team

Download F-86 RAF Red Arrows, includes blank + tail number of all 13 aircraft (Paint Scheme: October 2007 - Present) (Compressed in 7zip, right click and extract to with winrar.)
Minute Men Display Team V2 (sorted out bug on wing tips)

Download F-86 Minute Men V2, includes historically accurate tail numbers for each of the 4 aircraft in this display team.
Fictional Camo Pack V1

In this Skin Pack there are 96 skins in total. These skins are all fictional and not meant to represent any historic aircraft schemes. There are 16 different camo variations, each of which has these options.

Camo + US Markings Old (WW2)
Camo + US Markings New (F15)
Camo 2 (Grey Undersurface)
Camo 2 + US Markings Old (WW2)
Camo + US Markings New (F15)

6 skins per camo variation

This pack will install into the following skin folders: "F-86A5", "F-86F25E" and "F-86F25L". Anyone running UP or HSFX should have these three sabres and possibly more, if so just copy the skins from those folders. The minority may only have the first sabre, if you feel the need to save space you can always delete the other two folders.

Download F-86 Fictional Camo Pack V1, due to the large amount of skins this is also an installer like the "F-86 Skin Pack V2".

Pilota CPL- ATPL(A) frozen EASA
My PC: OS Windows 10 and X-plane 11 last version - MB Republic of Gamers - HD 2 SSD 500GB - CPU Processore Core i7-6900 Quad-Core 3,20 Ghz - RAM Memoria 32Gb ddr3 2400MHz - GPU Geforce RTX2070 4GB -Monitor Samsung 32" curvo - Altro Tablet per carte aeronautiche +...
Ultima Modifica 14 Anni 6 Mesi fa da SUP_Trok.

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Di più
14 Anni 6 Mesi fa #620 da SUP_Trok
Risposta da SUP_Trok al topic Re: Pacchetto Skin F86 Sabre
E' molto carina la skin delle frecce tricolore. Da provare!

Pilota CPL- ATPL(A) frozen EASA
My PC: OS Windows 10 and X-plane 11 last version - MB Republic of Gamers - HD 2 SSD 500GB - CPU Processore Core i7-6900 Quad-Core 3,20 Ghz - RAM Memoria 32Gb ddr3 2400MHz - GPU Geforce RTX2070 4GB -Monitor Samsung 32" curvo - Altro Tablet per carte aeronautiche +...

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Moderatori: SUP_Bigans
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